By using the integrated viewneo slide designer, you can generate content without the need of additional external image processing programs.
In order to start the designer, go to Content in viewneo and click on the Add button and select the sub-item Create Template or Create Slide.
The following pop-up will open:
You will need to enter information in the following fields:
After confirming your information with OK, the designer will appear:
Here in the left area all objects such as, texts, pictures, videos etc. are listed. Anytime a new object is added, it will be located at the top of the list.
Learn more: Adding Objects
On the right side is the property area. Here you set the properties of the objects that are currently activated. Since there is not a single object in the stage, the properties of the stage are displayed.
Tip: Hide areas: You can hide the side areas and work with a larger stage. Sometimes the workbench is too small to work due to the layer list on the left and the property pane on the right. These areas can be hidden to increase the work area.
By clicking on the small arrows on the right and left of the stage, the areas on the right and left can be hidden.
Tip! To better align objects, you can press the ALT key to display an auxiliary grid.